Bruker/BioSpec 47/40 USR
動物生命科学研究センター旧棟 1階
Research Center for Animal Life Science (1st floor, old bldg.)
福永 祥子(Sachiko Fukunaga)(TEL 2303)
岡本 久美(Kumi Okamoto)(TEL 2302)
山元 武文(Takefumi Yamamoto)(TEL 2304)
朝比奈 欣治(Kinji Asahina)(TEL 2301)
The BioSpec 47/40 USR is the equipment registered in the "University Cooperative Research Equipment Network".
User reservations are made and fees are calculated based on the reservation of the network.
User registration is required to make a reservation on the network. For first-time users, please contact the Research Promotion Division (ext.2110).
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Last Updated 2024/04/01