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サーベイメータ Survey Meter


Survey meters are hand-held ionising radiation measurement instruments used to check such as personnel, equipment and the environment for radioactive contamination and ambient radiation.
The most commonly used hand-held survey meters are the scintillation counter, which is used in the measurement of alpha, beta and neutron particles, and the Geiger counter, widely used for the measurement of alpha, beta and gamma levels.

GM計数管 GM Survey Meter

シンチレーション式 Scintillation Survey Meter

担当者 Contact person

寺戸 勅雄(Tokio Terado)(TEL 2306)
山元 武文(Takefumi Yamamoto)(TEL 2304)
森 康博(Yasuhiro Mori)(TEL 2307)

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Last Updated 2023/07/01