
はじめに Introduction

     伊藤 靖 教授



 CRL (Central Research Laboratory) integrated the former Central Research Laboratory and Radioisotope Research Center in April 2005. The former Central Research Laboratory and Radioisotope Research Center became the Equipment Section and the Radioisotope Section, respectively, which provides education and research support to undergraduate and graduate students and researchers as a joint-use facility within the university.
 CRL is equipped with shared-use laboratories for genetic recombination experiments, virus experiments, X-ray experiments, animal experiments, radioisotope experiments, etc., and shared-use equipment including DNA sequencers, electron microscopes, confocal laser scanning microscopes, mass spectrometers, flow cytometers, liquid scintillation counters, germanium semiconductor detector to provide educational and technical support. To fulfill its mission, a faculty member (associate professor) and technical staffs are assigned to the CRL director.
 CRL holds a CRL Special Course for graduate students and researchers to support education and research. This course is regarded as a credit toward “Intensive Course in Basic Science Fundamentals & Multidisciplinary Seminars" of PhD Course. In addition, CRL has held a total of 133 CRL Seminars, in which leading researchers from Japan and abroad give lectures on the latest research results and CRL Technical Seminars, in which equipment vendors introduce the latest technologies to researchers in the university.
 CRL supports the educational and research activities of Shiga University of Medical Science by providing shared facilities and equipment and holding various seminars.

沿 革 CRL History

1974 年(昭和49年)10月 滋賀医科大学開学
1975 年(昭和50年)11月 共同研究棟運営委員会発足
1976 年(昭和51年) 1月 第1回共同研究棟運営委員会開催
1976 年(昭和51年)11月 共同利用棟竣工
1978 年(昭和53年) 3月 放射性同位元素研究センター竣工
1978 年(昭和53年) 6月 共同研究センター発足
1978 年(昭和53年) 9月 放射性同位元素研究センター運営委員会発足
1981 年(昭和56年)12月 RI排水処理施設防寒壁完成
1982 年(昭和57年) 4月 医学部附属実験実習機器センターに名称変更
1987 年(昭和62年)11月 増築部竣工
1991 年(平成 3 年) 9月 実験センターガイドブック第1版刊行
1994 年(平成 6 年) 3月 RI新棟増築
2004 年(平成16年) 4月 国立大学法人滋賀医科大学へ移行(法人化)
2005 年(平成17年) 4月 実験実習機器センターと放射性同位元素研究センター統合、
2007 年(平成19年) 7月 承認核種を13核種に変更
2020 年(令和 2 年) 3月 RI新棟管理区域解除
2022 年(令和 4 年) 9月 RI動物実験施設改修工事起工
2023 年(令和 5 年) 5月 RI動物実験施設改修工事竣工・承認核種を10核種に変更

運営と組織について Operation & Organization


CRL is managed by the CRL director, an associate professor, a research assistant and technical staffs. Important matters concerning the operation are deliberated by the CRL Management Committee, which consists of the CRL director, the CRL associate professor, several staff members, delegates from CRL users and other faculty members.
In order to ensure that various opinions on the use of the CRL are reflected, each section has its own Users Meeting. Any users can participate in the Users Meeting, where they can make requests for new equipment to be purchased or renewed, as well as suggestions regarding use and management of CRL. In addition, delegates who are elected by the representatives of each department, serve as the chairpersons of the Users Meeting and coordinate the opinions, and some of them express their opinions at the CRL Management Committee as representatives of the users.
As described above, the system is designed to ensure that the opinions of users are strongly reflected in the operation of CRL.

スタッフ Staff

● 専任准教授 朝比奈 欣治  Associate professor Kinji ASAHINA

● 講師(学内)豊田  太  Senior Assistant Professor Futoshi TOYODA

● 技術職員  森  康博  Technical staff Yasuhiro MORI

● 技術職員  福永 祥子  Technical staff Sachiko FUKUNAGA

● 技術職員  岡本 久美  Technical staff Kumi OKAMOTO

● 技術職員  寺戸 勅雄  Technical staff Tokio TERADO

● 技術職員  山元 武文  Technical staff Takefumi YAMAMOTO

● 技能補佐員 山川 信子  Technical staff Nobuko YAMAKAWA

※ スタッフの連絡先等は学内専用ページをご覧ください。
※ See the SUMS users site for staff contact information.

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Copyright (C) Central Research Laboratory. All right reserved. since 1996/2/1

Last Updated 2024/04/01