
3D/4D Image Analysis and Visualization Software


設置機器メーカー/型式 Equipment

BITPLANE社製/Imaris(BITPLANE, Oxford Instruments/Imaris)

仕 様 Specs

レーザー顕微鏡や光学顕微鏡ベースのセクショニングシステム、あるいはデコンボルーション処理などで得られた 3D/4D画像データを視覚化するために必要な機能を全て備えた基本ソフトウエアです。
作製した立体像からは、シンプルな回転から複雑な動作の動画まで簡単に作製することができ、QuickTime や AVI 形式で保存が可能なので効果的なプレゼンテーションに利用できます。
Imaris is a basic software that provides all the functions necessary to visualize 3D/4D image data obtained from laser microscopes, optical microscope-based sectioning systems, or deconvolution processing.
It can not only quickly construct various types of 3D images from any viewpoint, but can also combine different renderings of 3D and 2D images and display them simultaneously. From the created 3D image, simple rotations to complex motion videos can be easily created and saved in QuickTime or AVI format for effective presentations.

The Imaris software package includes:

Imaris for Neuroscientists - F1
 ImarisBitplane's core software module delivering basic functionality.
 ImarisTrackThe most powerful live cell imaging software for tracking and analysis.
 FilamentTracerThe intelligent way to visualize and measure filamentous structures.
 marisColocPowerful colocalization analysis for multiple bio components.
 ImarisXTTwo-way interface from Imaris to classic programming languages.
 ImarisVantageExtract more from your data, and visualize your cells in 4D.
 MeasurementPro Extract critical statistical parameters from your microscopy images.

設置場所 Location

4階 画像処理室(404号室)
Image Processing Room (Room #404, CRL 4th floor)

担当者 Contact person

寺戸 勅雄(Tokio Terado)(TEL 2306)
福永 祥子(Sachiko Fukunaga)(TEL 2303)
岡本 久美(Kumi Okamoto)(TEL 2302)

学内向け SUMS only

詳細はこちら For SUMS users

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Last Updated 2022/11/10