東芝メディカルシステムズ株式会社/Plessart 50(Toshiba medical systems/Plessart 50)
The device can be used for angiography, catheter positioning, and implantable transducer placement in small and medium-sized animals.
The device consists of an x-ray control unit, a high-voltage generator, an x-ray television camera unit, an operating table with an x-ray tube support unit, and an x-ray television monitor.
1階 動物用エックス線透視室(106号室)
Animal X-ray Fluoroscopy Lab (Room #106, CRL 1st floor)
山元 武文(Takefumi Yamamoto)(TEL 2304)
福永 祥子(Sachiko Fukunaga)(TEL 2303)
岡本 久美(Kumi Okamoto)(TEL 2302)
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Last Updated 2022/11/18