Hisakazu Ogita, Kinji Asahina, Takefumi Yamamoto, Yasuhiro Mori (Central Research Laboratory)
Collaborator: Nippon Becton Dickinson Company, Ltd.
アナライザーのBD LSRFortessaX-20、BD FACSCanto UとセルソーターのBD FACSAriaの3機種を用いて解析を行います。
Flow cytometer is a device that can semi-quantitatively measure the expression of individual cell molecules. There are two types of devices, an analyzer and a cell sorter. Antibodies recognized by fluorescent dyes are often used to identify the expression of molecules. It has also been attempted to measure fluorescent substances other than labeled antibodies.
As a practical training, we detected with FACS using beads for flow cytometer setup.
*FACS (fluorescence activated cell sorter) is a trademark of Becton, Dickinson and company.
Practice content:
Beads for flow cytometer setup are detected with FACS.
We will analyze using three instrument, analyzer BD LSRFortessaX-20 and BD FACSCanto II, and cell sorter BD FACSAria.
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Last Updated 2021/8/2