
動物生命科学研究センターにおける実験動物の取扱いについて(In Japanese)
Introduction of how to handle laboratory animals

Toshifumi Morimura, Hideaki Tsuchiya (Research Center for Animal Life Science)


 The use of laboratory mice including gene-modified or edited ones is a major characteristic in “Universities” of laboratory animal science in Japan. In our university, feeding number of mice is also increasing every year. On the other hand, we prepare breeding rooms not only for various laboratory animal species, but also infectious and gene-modified animal rooms. As for handling laboratory animals in RCALS, we would like to ask every user to be followed a Japanese law for animal welfare and gene-modification, and a rule for the animal experimentations in institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) of SUMS.
 RCALS could accept certified laboratory animals that are examined with microbiological profiles, because contaminated-animals have a possibility to spread the infectious organisms to other animals housed already in RCALS. We should also take care for some non-pathogenic micro-organisms, because they might affect to the immunological event in any animal strains, e.g. immunodeficiency strains. If it happens to severe outbreak by pathogenic micro-organism, we will decide euthanasia for all animals in the breeding room of RCALS. Recently, there are so many cases that the gene-modified mice are moved from other universities or national institutes, but not from commercial breeding companies. Some laboratory animal facilities in universities or national institutes are very poor for microbiological controls. We should also take care for the cases, when mice are provided from that like universities or national institutes.
 All breeding rooms for mice in RCALS are confined by P1A shield. Furthermore, there are infectious laboratory animal rooms for P2A / ABSL2 and P3A / ABSL3 (rodents and nonhuman primates) in RCALS.
 If gene-modified animals are escaped to outside of shielded areas as P1A to P3A, our university will be penalized from the Japanese government based on Cartagena law. Especially in the case for gene-modified mice, please take care for not to leave neonate mice in old cages, when users try to change from old to new cages at the rearing period.
 A Japanese law, “Act on Welfare and Management of Animals”, was improved on 2013. The 3Rs policy on animal experimentations was made stricter, and then all users was also required to follow strictly the law. To decrease the pain in the examined animals, we should practice precise technique for handling animals and anesthetic or analgesic methods. In this lecture, we will introduce precise procedures, e.g. how to enter and exit RCALS, to renew animals’ cages, to identify individuals examined, to differentiate female or male, to perform anesthesia, to administer any agents, and to collect samples. In addition to it, we will explain some attentions about biosafety and gene-modified shields.

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Last Updated 2024/7/31