
NanoDrop ND-1000 Spectrophotometer


ND-1000スペクトロフォトメーターは、フルスペクトル(220~750 nm)測定可能な分光光度計です。
The ND-1000 is a spectrophotometer capable of measuring the full spectrum (220-750 nm).
A new patented technology that utilizes surface tension enables highly accurate measurement of 1 µL samples. This eliminates concentration errors due to cuvette contamination. In addition, the ND-1000 can measure high-concentration samples without dilution. (This is 50 times higher concentration than that of a standard cuvette method.)

設置機器メーカー/型式 Equipment


仕様 Spec

光源 Light source: キセノンフラッシュランプ Xenon flashlamp
測定波長 Wavelength range: 220-750 nm
測定範囲 Measuring range: 2-3700 ng/μL dsDNA

設置場所 Location

2階 生化学分析室1(204号室)
Biochemical Analysis Lab #1 (Room #204, CRL 2nd floor)

担当者 Contact person

寺戸 勅雄(Tokio Terado)(TEL 2306)
山元 武文(Takefumi Yamamoto)(TEL 2304)
森 康博(Yasuhiro Mori)(TEL 2307)

学内向け SUMS only

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Last Updated 2023/09/01