
2018 An Intensive Course in Basic Science Fundamentals & Multidisciplinary Seminars / Central Research Laboratory Special Seminars

副学長・動物生命科学研究センター長 小笠原 一誠 
実験実習支援センター長 等 誠司 

 本集中講義は、平成30年度実験実習支援センター特別講習会も兼ねますので、 大学院生以外の方も参加していただけます。



 “2018 An Intensive Course in Basic Science Fundamentals & Multidisciplinary Seminars”, organized by the Graduate School of Medicine Committee, will be held from Sep. 4th to Sep. 7th, as joint seminars by Research Center for Animal Life Science and Central Research Laboratory.
 This Course doubles as a seminar in 2018 Central Research Laboratory Special Seminars and is open to everyone at SUMS. The schedule of the seminars is provided on the back page.
 Applicants need to submit application form to the Central Research Laboratory Office directly or by using campus delivering system no later than Monday, August 27th.

To Graduate School Students:
 As this course is a part of “Technical Seminars”, which is an obligatory subject in the common core curriculum, all graduate students registering the course should attend 3 or more out of 12 classes. The attendance will be recorded in each class. Students those wish to participate need to make prior application due to the preparation of handouts.

Please refer to the schedule and abstracts of the seminars

プログラムプリント用(PDF書類)  Program for print(PDF)

受講申込書(PDF書類)      Application form(PDF)

受講申込書(Word書類)      Application form(Word)

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Last Updated 2018/7/20